// -*- coding:utf-8; -*- // ==UserScript== // @name AndroidAPIx // @namespace reluk.ca // @description Class index to the Android API documentation // @match https://developer.android.com/reference/classes.html // @resource stylesheet http://reluk.ca/var/cache/userscript/AndroidAPIx.css // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // ==/UserScript== // // Tampermonkey wants the metadata @resource schemed 'http', not 'file'. // GM_addStyle( '@import "http://reluk.ca/var/cache/userscript/AndroidAPIx.css";' ); //// but HTTP import fails in HTTPS page, "Blocked loading mixed active content", so instead: GM_addStyle( GM_getResourceText( 'stylesheet' )); // from @resource // Note to myself: In order to ease maintenance, my Greasemonkey/Firefox installation of this userscript // was linked back to the original source files by the following command: // (n=AndroidAPIx; ln --force --symbolic ~/var/cache/userscript/$n.* ~/.mozilla/firefox/ikouvatt.default/gm_scripts/$n/) // The Tampermonkey/Chrome installation is not file based. To synchronize it after editing a resource file, // try restarting Chrome.