--- Log opened Sun May 01 00:00:08 2011 07:13 < conseo> thomasvonderelbe: ping 07:13 < conseo> mcallan: ping 07:14 < conseo> http://whiletaker.homeip.net:8080/voff/crossforum/#c=DG this is now colored after author, but i think this is confusing. i would keep the poll title in a unique name and only color the authors seperately, but maybe there are better ideas? 07:31 < thomasvonderelbe> conseo: hey Gevatter 07:31 < conseo> hey 07:31 < conseo> poll title in a unique color, i meant 07:31 < conseo> sry 07:32 < conseo> (color is calculated out of the text-string) 07:33 < thomasvonderelbe> hm, still looking at it 07:33 < thomasvonderelbe> the bubbles are great though 07:33 < thomasvonderelbe> with the names below them 07:36 < conseo> ok, cool 07:37 < thomasvonderelbe> lol, I just found out, that I am always going to be the grey one here ... ok. 07:37 < conseo> coloring is sth. to think about, since we don't want to use avatar to uniquely qualify users or polls, we have to be smart with the layout 07:37 < conseo> thomasvonderelbe: :-), the color set can be defined arbitrarily, but it makes sense to use the whole colorspectrum for maximum differentiation 07:38 < thomasvonderelbe> yeah I understand, just funny somehow 07:39 < thomasvonderelbe> first impression: the colours are a bit confusing 07:40 < thomasvonderelbe> maybe it should be dependend on the zoom. in the global zoom, it maybe better to have each poll have a different coulour? 07:40 < thomasvonderelbe> just an idia, i dont know yet 07:45 < conseo> thomasvonderelbe: reload 07:46 < conseo> hmm i am curious why it is blue and green that often... 07:48 < thomasvonderelbe> yeah, this looks better to me! 07:49 < thomasvonderelbe> and even within one poll, the colour of the users initials are still signal enough, I would say 07:50 < thomasvonderelbe> conseo: at noon I sent a post to the list, with a diff url for m00 in it. why doesnt it show up? 07:54 < thomasvonderelbe> and another thing: would it also be possible to have the voter always left and the candidate always right and the bubble pointer shifting according to it? 07:54 < thomasvonderelbe> and: would it be better? 07:54 < thomasvonderelbe> it would be one more information packed into it. maybe its too much? 08:00 < thomasvonderelbe> and one more idea? how, if the highlighted bubble would be blue inside instead of outside. a bit more like before. I liked this very much. 08:01 < thomasvonderelbe> sorry, if I overwhelmed you! ;-) 08:02 < thomasvonderelbe> its very beautiful already! 08:02 < thomasvonderelbe> wow, so much possible with this little thing! 08:03 < thomasvonderelbe> maybe the little names should actually link to their positions? 08:04 < conseo> yep, i have to do that 08:04 < conseo> atm. the title links to the poster's position, but we will point it to the poll then 08:05 < conseo> thomasvonderelbe: no mike has already told me that the voter should be left, and i think it is fine 08:08 < thomasvonderelbe> ah ok, cool! 08:08 < thomasvonderelbe> how, if the highlighted bubble would be blue inside instead of outside. a bit more like before. I liked this very much. 08:30 < conseo> what do you mean blue on the outside? atm. the bubble isn't colored at all 08:30 < conseo> i'll get sth. to eat and be back in half an hour 08:33 < thomasvonderelbe> I have to go in five min. too 08:33 < thomasvonderelbe> yes, I mean the bubble itself blue instead of a frame around it ... 09:08 < conseo> xfbot: time 09:08 < xfbot> conseo: The time is now Sun May 01 09:08:36 EDT 2011 09:10 < conseo> thomasvonderelbe: you mean blue as in the poll color? i think the bubble is expected to be colored in the author's color --- Log closed Mon May 02 00:00:22 2011