--- Log opened Wed Jan 25 00:00:10 2012 00:06 < mbyrnes> ok ciao people my internet is telling me it is pumpkin time 00:13 * Andrew_Mallis wonders there checkboxes on redmine tickets if you can't actually do anything to an item once it's checked. 00:22 < Senpai> The proverbial 'locked until Apocalypse time' checkbox? 05:58 -!- darth_0_point is now known as killchill 05:58 -!- killchill is now known as darth_0_point 10:24 < sdboyer> well, getting guidance from stallman himself on how we can license FGA is kinda cool 12:06 -!- darth_0_point is now known as darth_raijin 14:59 < LP_> sdboyer: this stallman bit is re: Principles of Soldarity, yes? 14:59 < sdboyer> LP_: the conversation has forked into two 14:59 < LP_> oh has it 14:59 < LP_> how appropriate 14:59 < sdboyer> yeah, one is the principles of solidarity, other is licensing for FGA 14:59 < LP_> ah 15:03 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: conference call for directory data now 15:03 < LP_> dog 15:03 < LP_> doh 15:03 < Andrew_Mallis> +1 (530) 216-4363 15:03 < Andrew_Mallis> PIN: 463257# 15:05 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: ru coming? 15:06 < Andrew_Mallis> not sure if you needed to register to get your own pin or if this one will work 15:07 < LP_> used that pin 15:07 < LP_> here lurking! 15:10 < LP_> speaking of which 15:10 < LP_> do I have to standardize remaining city codes? 15:11 < Andrew_Mallis> I did that for the MASTER 15:11 < Andrew_Mallis> missed the UK, but Marco did that 15:11 < LP_> ok, sorry I was slow on that 15:11 < Andrew_Mallis> 4th man's data isn't fixed, though. Waiting to see how we're going to go about merging things before we do that. 15:11 < Andrew_Mallis> Should know after this meeting. 15:13 < LP_> doc link? 15:13 < Andrew_Mallis> https://docs.google.com/a/ideograph.ca/document/d/11k__TZxqRAwrh2_Jk4VqBBpbkriwsEGcBOz_uJpGT_E/edit?hl=en_US 15:13 < Andrew_Mallis> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11k__TZxqRAwrh2_Jk4VqBBpbkriwsEGcBOz_uJpGT_E/edit 15:13 < Andrew_Mallis> (both should work) the first resides in the FGA directory shared folder 15:16 < LP_> bothwork 15:42 < LP_> oy 15:42 < LP_> this call could have been a screencast? 16:07 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: indeed. that's what I was asking you to look into. 16:07 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: let's not get into imagineering space too much! 16:50 < LP_> any option to use FB or google auth, so people who control a youtube channel/twitter/fb then have access to the node? 16:50 < LP_> 16:51 < Andrew_Mallis> yeah 16:51 < Andrew_Mallis> Joel has been talking about that 17:16 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: thanks for your participation. 2 heads = better than 1 17:17 < LP_> spreadsheet collab = def problem space 17:17 < LP_> I mean, in general. 17:17 < Andrew_Mallis> yeah. 17:17 < Andrew_Mallis> I'm going to try and articulate a solution space 17:18 < Andrew_Mallis> or at least a way to avoid the pitfalls 17:18 < Andrew_Mallis> but this is great. 17:18 < Andrew_Mallis> If we can produce a statement saying that the data was from X, Y, Z and all these people are still involved, it will be a big win for FGA 17:25 < LP_> pizzatime 17:25 -!- LP_ is now known as LP_afk 18:59 -!- Amgine is now known as Guest48671 19:04 -!- Guest48671 is now known as Amgine_ 19:04 -!- Amgine_ is now known as Amgine --- Log closed Wed Jan 25 20:54:00 2012 --- Log opened Wed Jan 25 20:54:00 2012 21:08 < samkottler> sdboyer: wuz da plan, man? 21:49 < Andrew_Mallis> Data sources meeting was very fruitful. 22:02 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: sweet 22:03 < Andrew_Mallis> occupytogether is going to freeze submissions of new occupations, and is going all in with our directory. 22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> mentioned there were some issues though with them ingesting a CSV in their current solution, but likely that could be fixed so we can remain interoperable. 22:04 < sdboyer> yaaaaaaay! 22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> they push new occupations to us and pull down updates via a simplified export of a few key fields 22:04 < sdboyer> oh that's fantastic 22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> also, they're gonna throw some man-power into data clean-up[ 22:05 < Andrew_Mallis> we have a bit of a team around this now 22:05 < Andrew_Mallis> the big win for FGA though, is being able to declare in our statement that our data is from and by all the key, respected players 22:06 < Andrew_Mallis> they'll effectively form our editorial team to manage the directory also post-launch --- Log opened Wed Jan 25 22:45:02 2012 23:22 -!- dan___ is now known as dan__ --- Log closed Thu Jan 26 00:00:02 2012