package; // Copyright © 2016 Michael Allan. Licence MIT. import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** A formal element in the structure of an ultimate way: * either an end, transnorm or act. */ public interface Waynode { /* * * - end|transnorm|act.xht form: - unlike count nodes, waynodes need not be compiled to any kind of whole on a server - they have no equivalent of vote sums */ /** An immutable instance of an empty waynode. */ public static final Waynode1 EMPTY_WAYNODE = new Waynode1( "", Waynode1.DEFAULT_ANSWER, Waynode1.DEFAULT_QUESTION, /*questionBackImageLoc*/null ); /** The allowable pattern of a whole ({@linkplain java.util.regex.Matcher#matches() matches}) handle. */ public static final Pattern HANDLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "[\\p{javaLowerCase}]{0,2}" ); // Lowercase letters only, for rapid readability in lists. // No more than 2 characters in length to allow use in narrow summary views. // // Using javaLowerCase as the only Unicode discriminator in common between OpenJDK 1.8 and Android // 23 (before move from Harmony to OpenJDK in Android 24). // // // - W a y n o d e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** This waynode’s reply to the {@linkplain #question() pollar question} in the form of a title * sentence. It may be an empty string, but is never null. * * @see pretty.js § Wayscript § Title sentence */ public String answer(); /** The symbolic name of this waynode, from zero to two characters in length (never null). */ public String handle(); /** This waynode’s interpretation of the question of the poll. Its form is a title sentence. It * may be an empty string, but is never null. Read the {@linkplain NodeCache#leader() leader’s} * waynode for a consensus interpretation of the same question. * * @see pretty.js § Wayscript § Title sentence */ public String question(); /** The location of an image of the question suited for the backdrop of a user interface, or null if * there is no image. The purpose is to bridge visual gaps in the user interface, and to * illustrate the question. */ public String questionBackImageLoc(); }