package; // Copyright © 2015 Michael Allan. Licence MIT. import android.content.*; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.provider.DocumentsContract; // grep DocumentsContract-TS import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.xmlpull.v1.*; import waymaker.gen.*; import waymaker.spec.*; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME; import static android.provider.DocumentsContract.Document.MIME_TYPE_DIR; import static org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT; import static org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser.END_TAG; import static org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser.START_TAG; import static org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser.TEXT; import static; /** A count engine that reads from the user’s local wayrepo to form an adjusted, local count, thus * anticipating a future server count. Precounters are single use facilities; construct one, use it, * and discard it. */ public final @Warning("no hold") class Precounter implements UnadjustedNodeV.RKit { /** Constructs a precounter. * * @see #pollName() * @param groundUnaState The {@linkplain UnadjustedGround#restore(byte[],UnadjustedNodeV.RKit) * marshalled state} of the unadjusted ground on which to base the precount, or null to base * it on a virgin, empty ground, in which case the openToThread restriction is lifted. * @param originalUnaCount The number of unadjusted nodes in the original groundUnaState cache, * or zero if groundUnaState is null. The value serves only to enlarge the initial capacity * of the node map in order to avoid forseeable rehashes. * @see WaykitUI#wayrepoTreeLoc() */ @ThreadRestricted("KittedPolyStatorSR.openToThread") // for ground.restore public Precounter( final String pollName, final byte[] groundUnaState, final int originalUnaCount, final ContentResolver contentResolver, final String wayrepoTreeLoc ) { this.pollName = pollName; this.contentResolver = contentResolver; this.wayrepoTreeLoc = wayrepoTreeLoc; nodeMap = new HashMap<>( MapX.hashCapacity(originalUnaCount + NodeCache.INITIAL_HEADROOM), MapX.HASH_LOAD_FACTOR ); serverCount = new ServerCount(); try { xhtmlParserFactory = WaykitUI.xhtmlConfigured( XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance() ); } catch( final XmlPullParserException x ) { throw new RuntimeException( x ); } ground = new UnadjustedGround(); encache( ground ); if( groundUnaState != null ) ground.restore( groundUnaState, /*kit*/this ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** A cycle foreseer for general reuse during the precount. */ public CycleForeseer cycleForeseer() { return cycleForeseer; } private final CycleForeseer cycleForeseer = new CycleForeseer(); /** Returns the identified node from the local node map, or a newly constructed one whose properties * are initialized from the latest count on the remote count server, or null if the identified node * is both unmapped and uncounted. */ public UnadjustedNode getOrFetchUnadjusted( final VotingID id ) { UnadjustedNode una = nodeMap.get( id ); if( una == null ) una = serverCount.fetchNode( id, nodeMap ); return una; } /** The original, unadjusted {@linkplain NodeCache#ground() ground}. Here the {@linkplain * #precount() precount} attaches the adjusted ground, if any. */ public UnadjustedGround ground() { return ground; } private final UnadjustedGround ground; /** A grounder for general reuse during the precount. */ public EffectiveGrounder grounder() { return grounder; } private final EffectiveGrounder grounder = new EffectiveGrounder(); // q.v. for "no hold" /** A map of all known nodes including the ground pseudo-node, each keyed by identity tag. */ public HashMap nodeMap() { return nodeMap; } private final HashMap nodeMap; /** The name of the poll that is here precounted. */ public String pollName() { return pollName; } private final String pollName; /** Forms the adjusted count if possible, and attaches it among the {@linkplain #nodeMap() mapped} * nodes as node.{@linkplain UnadjustedNode#precounted() precounted}. Call once only. */ public void precount() throws CountFailure, InterruptedException { /* * * - count registers ( "poll type" below is determined branch-wise, poll not being monotypical [ turnout - all poll types ( meaning one is a person [ active turnout - non-action poll types only - recognized as active in corresponding "action poll": | action poll is assembly election poll if non-action poll is law ( notebook 2015.7.2 - active is he currently predicted to win a seat in the next election - meaning that he is expected to have an official vote in the assembly ( making the results a prediction of future legal code | else action poll is executive ( partly notebook 2015.7.3 - active is he voting for an end or intermediate norm on the endward relational path of an executive officer (office pipe) who recognizes him ( implies that he votes for the officer in the executive poll - meaning that he is considered active in executing the issue / [ active recognition (variable weighting) // no utility to such weights, no meaning, instead recognition is all or nothing */ if( wayrepoTreeLoc == null ) throw new CountFailure( "User has set no wayrepo location" ); final PersonID ownerID; // owner of wayrepo, typically the user VotingID _votedID_owner = null; // thus far final Uri wayrepoTreeUri = Uri.parse( wayrepoTreeLoc ); read: try( final WayrepoReader inWr = new WayrepoReader( wayrepoTreeUri, contentResolver )) { String docID; docID = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId( wayrepoTreeUri ); final Uri wayrepoUri; try { wayrepoUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree( wayrepoTreeUri, docID ); } catch( final SecurityException x ) { // usually but not always thrown first by acquireContentProviderClient in WayrepoReader throw new CountFailure( WaykitUI.wayrepoTreeLoc_message(wayrepoTreeLoc), x ); } docID = inWr.findDirectory( "poll", docID ); if( docID == null ) throw new CountFailure( "Wayrepo has no 'poll' directory" ); // Identify owner of wayrepo. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - final ContentProviderClient provider = inWr.provider(); // grep ContentProviderClient-TS try // must be just after findDirectory (queryChildren) or SMBProvider returns null cursor ( final Cursor c = inWr.provider(). query( wayrepoUri, proNAME, /*selector*/null, /*selectorArgs*/null, /*order*/null ); ){ if( c == null || !c.moveToFirst() ) throw new CountFailure( "Cannot read wayrepo directory" ); ownerID = new PersonID( c.getString(0) ); } catch( final RemoteException x ) { throw new CountFailure( x ); } // Read the wayrepo documents. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - docID = inWr.findDirectory( pollName, docID ); if( docID == null ) break read; // wayrepo has no nodes for this poll try( final Cursor cPos/*proID_NAME_TYPE*/ = inWr.queryChildren( docID ); ) { personalPositionFiles: while( cPos.moveToNext() ) { final String filename = cPos.getString( 1 ); final boolean isDirectory = MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals( cPos.getString( 2 )); if( !isDirectory && "position.xht".equals(filename) ) { _votedID_owner = parseVote( /*docID*/cPos.getString(0), inWr, ownerID ); } else if( isDirectory && "pipe".equals(filename) ) { docID = cPos.getString( 0 ); try( final Cursor cPP/*proID_NAME_TYPE*/ = inWr.queryChildren( docID ); ) { pipes: while( cPP.moveToNext() ) { if( MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals( cPP.getString( 2 ))) { docID = cPP.getString( 0 ); final PipeID pipeID = new PipeID( cPP.getString(1) ); // Ensure pipe is precounted. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VotingID _votedID = null; // thus far Waynode _waynode = EMPTY_WAYNODE; // " try( final Cursor cPipe/*pro same*/ = inWr.queryChildren( docID ); ) { pipePositionFiles: while( cPipe.moveToNext() ) { if( MIME_TYPE_DIR.equals(cPipe.getString(2)) ) continue; final String fn = cPipe.getString( 1 ); if( "position.xht".equals(fn) ) { _votedID = parseVote( /*docID*/cPipe.getString(0), inWr, pipeID ); } else if( "end.xht".equals(fn) || "transnorm.xht".equals(fn) || "act.xht".equals(fn) ) { _waynode = parseWaynode( /*docID*/cPipe.getString(0), inWr ); } } } precountIfChanged( pipeID, _votedID, _waynode, /*allowStubRoot*/true ); // Let pipe be stub root. Unlike a person, a pipe is useful only // as a candidate to vote for, and voting is easier when the // candidate is already in the forest. } } } } } } } catch( final MalformedID|WayrepoAccessFailure x ) { throw new CountFailure( x ); } // Ensure owner is precounted. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - precountIfChanged( ownerID, _votedID_owner, EMPTY_WAYNODE, /*allowStubRoot*/false ); } // - U n a d j u s t e d - N o d e - V . R - K i t -------------------------------------------------- public void encache( final UnadjustedNode node ) { nodeMap.put(, node ); } public void enlistOutlyingVoter( UnadjustedNode1 node ) {} // no need of list here in precounter //// P r i v a t e ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final ContentResolver contentResolver; // grep ContentResolver-TS private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger = LoggerX.getLogger( Precounter.class ); /** @return Identity tag of vote, or null if there is none. Instead throws CountFailure if identity * tag is malformed or identifies self. */ private VotingID parseVote( final String docID, final WayrepoReader inWr, final VotingID actorID ) throws CountFailure, MalformedID { // position.xht form: (view source) VotingID votedID = null; // thus far final Uri fileUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree( inWr.wayrepoTreeUri(), docID ); try ( final AssetFileDescriptor aFD = inWr.provider().openTypedAssetFileDescriptor( fileUri, /*type, any*/"*/*", /*options*/null ); final InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( aFD.createInputStream() ); ){ final XmlPullParser p = xhtmlParserFactory.newPullParser(); p.setInput( in, /*encoding, self detect*/null ); for( int t = p.getEventType(); t != END_DOCUMENT; t = ) { if( t != START_TAG || !"vote".equals(p.getName()) ) continue; final String udidString = p.getAttributeValue( null, "candidate" ); if( udidString != null ) { votedID = (VotingID)UDID.make( udidString ); if( votedID.equals( actorID )) { throw new CountFailure( "Self voting " + actorID + " in file " + docID ); // demand correction of this useless vote } } // keep going, only final vote applies } } catch( IOException|RemoteException|XmlPullParserException x ) { throw new CountFailure( x ); } return votedID; } private WaynodeJig parseWaynode( final String docID, final WayrepoReader inWr ) throws CountFailure { // end|transnorm|act.xht form: final WaynodeJig jig = parseWaynode_jig; jig.clear(); final Uri fileUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree( inWr.wayrepoTreeUri(), docID ); try ( final AssetFileDescriptor aFD = inWr.provider().openTypedAssetFileDescriptor( fileUri, /*type, any*/"*/*", /*options*/null ); final InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream( aFD.createInputStream() ); ){ final XmlPullParser p = xhtmlParserFactory.newPullParser(); p.setInput( in, /*encoding, self detect*/null ); doc: for( int t = p.getEventType(); t != END_DOCUMENT; t = ) { if( t != START_TAG ) continue doc; if( "head".equals(p.getName()) ) { head: for( t =; t != END_TAG || !"head".equals(p.getName()); t = ) { if( t != START_TAG ) continue head; // Question in title. // - - - - - - - - - - if( "title".equals(p.getName()) ) { title: for( t =; t != END_TAG || !"title".equals(p.getName()); t = ) { if( t == TEXT ) { jig.question = p.getText().trim(); break title; } } continue head; } // Back image. // - - - - - - - if( "backImage".equals(p.getName()) ) { jig.questionBackImageLoc = p.getAttributeValue( null, "src" ); } } continue doc; } if( "wayscript".equals(p.getName()) ) { // Answer. // - - - - - t =; if( t == TEXT ) { jig.answer = p.getText().trim(); t =; } // Handle. // - - - - - wayscript: for(; t != END_TAG || !"wayscript".equals(p.getName()); t = ) { if( t != START_TAG || !"handle".equals(p.getName()) ) continue wayscript; handle: for( t =; t != END_TAG || !"handle".equals(p.getName()); t = ) { if( t != TEXT ) continue handle; final String handle = p.getText().trim(); if( !parseWaynode_matcher.reset(handle).matches() ) { throw new CountFailure( "Malformed handle '" + handle + "' in file " + docID ); } jig.handle = handle; break handle; } break wayscript; } break doc; } } } catch( IOException|RemoteException|XmlPullParserException x ) { throw new CountFailure( x ); } return jig; } private final WaynodeJig parseWaynode_jig = new WaynodeJig(); // cache for reuse private final Matcher parseWaynode_matcher = Waynode.HANDLE_PATTERN.matcher( "" ); /** Ensures that any change of position in the local wayrepo is cached in a precount-adjustable * node. This may involve communication with the remote count server. * * @param _votedID The {@linkplain RootwardCast#votedID() vote} from the local wayrepo, which * may be null. * @param waynodeTmp A copy of the {@linkplain CountNode#waynode() way contribution} from the * local wayrepo, for temporary access only (it might be a mutable WaynodeJig). * @param allowStubRoot Ensures the node is cached even if the position is missing from both * the original count and the local wayrepo (_votedID is null and _waynode is empty). This * creates a “stub root” that will appear in the forest, even though it does not participate * in vote flow. */ private void precountIfChanged( final VotingID id, final VotingID _votedID, final Waynode waynodeTmp, final boolean allowStubRoot ) { final PrecountNode pre; final boolean isVoteChanged; final boolean isWaynodeChanged; UnadjustedNode una = getOrFetchUnadjusted( id ); if( una == null ) { isVoteChanged = _votedID != null; isWaynodeChanged = !waynodeTmp.equals( EMPTY_WAYNODE ); if( !isVoteChanged && !isWaynodeChanged ) { if( allowStubRoot ) { "(poll " + pollName() + ") Precounting " + id + " as stub root" ); UnadjustedNode0.makeMappedPrecounted( id, this ); // adds a precount-adjustable node that ensures visibility as a root (stub root) // in the precount ground } return; } una = UnadjustedNode0.makeMapped( id, this ); pre = new PrecountNode1( una ); } else { final PrecountNode p = una.precounted(); if( p == null ) { isVoteChanged = !ObjectX.equals( _votedID, una.rootwardInThis().votedID() ); isWaynodeChanged = !waynodeTmp.equals( una.waynode() ); if( !isVoteChanged && !isWaynodeChanged ) return; pre = new PrecountNode1( una ); } else { pre = p; isVoteChanged = !ObjectX.equals( _votedID, pre.rootwardInThis().votedID() ); isWaynodeChanged = !waynodeTmp.equals( pre.waynode() ); } } if( isVoteChanged ) pre.rootwardInThis( _votedID, this ); if( isWaynodeChanged ) pre.waynode( new Waynode1( waynodeTmp )); } private static final String[] proNAME = new String[] { COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME }; // query projection of one formal parameter: display name private final ServerCount serverCount; private final String wayrepoTreeLoc; private final XmlPullParserFactory xhtmlParserFactory; // parsers non-reusable, }