package; // Copyright © 2015 Michael Allan. Licence MIT. import android.view.View; import android.widget.*; import waymaker.gen.*; import static; /**

A view of a count node in a {@linkplain ForestV forest view}. Though situated in a count-based * forest, its main subviews are modelled not on properties of the count node itself, but rather its * associated waynode:

  *      handle
  *       /
  *      /
  *    lo  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  *                /
  *               /
  *            answer
*/ public @ThreadRestricted("app main") final class NodeV extends LinearLayout { /* * * - wayscope to somehow eclipse the answer subview when zoomed in - leaving handle alone visible */ /** Constructs a NodeV with a null node. Set a node before using it. */ public @Warning("forestV.wr co-construct") NodeV( final ForestV forestV ) { this( forestV, null ); } /** Constructs a NodeV. * * @see #node() */ public @Warning("forestV.wr co-construct") NodeV( final ForestV forestV, final CountNode _node ) { super( forestV.getContext() ); assert getChildCount() == C_HANDLE; addView( new HandleV(forestV) ); // forestV.wr co-construct assert getChildCount() == C_ANSWER; addView( new TextView(getContext()) ); node( _node ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The node to view, or null if there is none. Avoid using this view without a node; it may throw * an exception or otherwise fail. */ public CountNode node() { return node; } private CountNode node; /** Sets the node. */ public void node( final CountNode _node ) { if( _node == node ) return; node = _node; final Waynode waynode; if( node == null ) { assert getParent() == null; waynode = EMPTY_WAYNODE; } else waynode = node.waynode(); handleV().setText( waynode.handle() ); answerV().setText( waynode.answer() ); isActor_sync(); } //// P r i v a t e ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final OnClickListener actorElector = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick( final View src ) { final NodeV nodeV = (NodeV)src; nodeV.wr().actorID().set( ); } }; { setOnClickListener( actorElector ); } private TextView answerV() { return (TextView)getChildAt( C_ANSWER ); } private static final int C_HANDLE = 0; // child index private static final int C_ANSWER = 1; private HandleV handleV() { return (HandleV)getChildAt( C_HANDLE ); } boolean isActor; { // isActor_sync(); // init /// effectively done by node init wr().actorID().bell().register( new Auditor() { public void hear( Changed _ding ) { isActor_sync(); } }); // no need to unregister from wr co-construct } private void isActor_sync() { final boolean _isActor = node != null &&; if( _isActor == isActor ) return; isActor = _isActor; handleV().invalidate(); } ForestV parentForestV() { return (ForestV)getParent(); } private Wayranging wr() { return (Wayranging)getContext(); } // - V i e w ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected @Override void onAttachedToWindow() { assert node != null; } }