package; // Copyright © 2015 Michael Allan. Licence MIT. import android.os.Parcel; import java.util.*; import waymaker.gen.*; import waymaker.spec.VotingID; final class NodeCache1 implements NodeCache, PrecountNode.SKit, PrecountNode.RKit, UnadjustedNodeV.RKit, UnadjustedNodeV.SKit { static final PolyStator stators = new PolyStator<>(); /////// /** Contructs a NodeCache1 based on the results of a precount. */ @ThreadSafe/*grep FreezeSync*/ NodeCache1( final Precounter precounter ) { nodeMap = precounter.nodeMap(); groundUna = precounter.ground(); final CountNode groundPre = groundUna.precounted(); // if any if( groundPre != null ) { outlyingVotersPre = new ArrayList<>(); outlyingVotersUna = new ArrayList<>(); for( final UnadjustedNode una: nodeMap.values() ) { if( una.getClass() != UnadjustedNode0.class ) { final RootwardCast castUna = una.rootwardInThis(); if( castUna == null ) continue; // ground if( una.peerOrdinal() >= castUna.candidate().votersNextOrdinal() ) { outlyingVotersUna.add( (UnadjustedNode1)una ); } } // else cannot become an inlier, ∴ is not a proper outlier final PrecountNode pre = una.precounted(); if( pre == null ) continue; assert pre.peerOrdinal() == 0; if( 0 >= pre.rootwardInThis().candidate().votersNextOrdinal() ) { outlyingVotersPre.add( (PrecountNode1)pre ); } } ground = groundPre; } else // no precount adjustments { outlyingVotersPre = Collections.emptyList(); outlyingVotersUna = Collections.emptyList(); ground = groundUna; } } /** Contructs a NodeCache1. * * @param originalUnaCount Zero if the new cache is to be an original construction; else * the number of unadjusted nodes in the original. The value serves only to enlarge the * initial capacity of the cache and speed the subsequent restoration of its state. * @param hasPrecountAdjustments Whether to construct a precount ground for the node cache, * and generally to allow for the subsequent restoration of precount adjustments. */ @ThreadSafe NodeCache1( final int originalUnaCount, final boolean hasPrecountAdjustments ) { nodeMap = new HashMap<>( MapX.hashCapacity(originalUnaCount + INITIAL_HEADROOM), MapX.HASH_LOAD_FACTOR ); encache( groundUna = new UnadjustedGround() ); if( hasPrecountAdjustments ) { outlyingVotersPre = new ArrayList<>(); outlyingVotersUna = new ArrayList<>(); ground = new PrecountGround( groundUna ); } else { outlyingVotersPre = Collections.emptyList(); // outliers impossible without a precount outlyingVotersUna = Collections.emptyList(); ground = groundUna; } } // - N o d e - C a c h e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @return The precount adjusted ground if any, else the unadjusted ground. */ public CountNode ground() { return ground; } private final CountNode ground; public CountNode leader() { final List roots = ground.voters(); return roots.size() == 0? ground: roots.get(0); } // - P r e c o u n t - N o d e . R - K i t -------------------------------------------------------------- public UnadjustedNode certainlyCached( final VotingID id ) { final UnadjustedNode node = nodeMap.get( id ); if( node == null ) throw new IllegalStateException(); return node; } public void encache( final UnadjustedNode node ) { nodeMap.put(, node ); } public void enlistOutlyingVoter( final PrecountNode1 node ) { outlyingVotersPre.add( node ); } public UnadjustedGround groundUna() { return groundUna; } private final UnadjustedGround groundUna; static { stators.add( new Stator() { public void save( final NodeCache1 nodeCache, final Parcel out ) { // 1. Unadjusted nodes. // - - - - - - - - - - - final UnadjustedGround groundUna = nodeCache.groundUna; groundUna, out, nodeCache ); // 2. Precount nodes. // - - - - - - - - - - final PrecountGround groundPre = groundUna.precounted(); if( groundPre != null ) groundPre, out, nodeCache ); // else cache constructed without precount adjustments } public void restore( final NodeCache1 nodeCache/*precountless construction*/, final Parcel in ) { // 1. // - - - final UnadjustedGround groundUna = nodeCache.groundUna; UnadjustedGround.stators.restore( groundUna, in, nodeCache ); // 2. // - - - final PrecountGround groundPre = groundUna.precounted(); if( groundPre != null ) PrecountGround.stators.restore( groundPre, in, nodeCache ); // else nodeCache constructed without precount adjustments } });} // - P r e c o u n t - N o d e . S - K i t ---------------------------------------------------------- public List outlyingVotersPre() { return outlyingVotersPre; } private final List outlyingVotersPre; // persisted by groundUna stator via precount node stators // - U n a d j u s t e d - N o d e - V . R - K i t -------------------------------------------------- public void enlistOutlyingVoter( final UnadjustedNode1 node ) { outlyingVotersUna.add( node ); } // - U n a d j u s t e d - N o d e - V . S - K i t -------------------------------------------------- public List outlyingVotersUna() { return outlyingVotersUna; } private final List outlyingVotersUna; /* Unadjusted counterparts of precount nodes, they are cached for that purpose though they happen to be outliers. Persisted by groundUna stator via unadjusted node stators. */ //// P r i v a t e ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** A map of all cached nodes including the ground pseudo-node, each keyed by its identity tag. */ final HashMap nodeMap; // content persisted by groundUna stator via node stators /////// static { stators.seal(); } };