package; // Copyright © 2015 Michael Allan. Licence MIT. import android.view.View; import waymaker.gen.*; import static android.view.View.GONE; import static android.view.View.MeasureSpec; import static; @ThreadRestricted("app main") final class ForestVCalibrator implements Runnable { ForestVCalibrator( final ForestV _forestV ) { forestV = _forestV; // Initialize ellipsis height by measuring height wanted. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - final int msConstraint = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec( /*size*/0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ); forestV.ellipsis.measure( msConstraint, msConstraint ); ellipsisHeight = forestV.ellipsis.getMeasuredHeight(); // - - - calibrate(); } // - R u n n a b l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void run() { if( calibrate() ) forestV.reconstrain(); } //// P r i v a t e ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void activate() { if( isActivated ) return; isActivated = true; ApplicationX.i().handler().post( this ); // run in later dispatch loop } void activateMaybe() // activates if a calibration parameter has changed { int height; boolean toActivate = false; // till proven otherwise // Forest. // - - - - - assert forestV.getVisibility() != GONE; // else should skip forestV on this pass height = forestV.getHeight(); if( forestHeight != height ) { forestHeight = height; toActivate = true; } // Node. // - - - - node: { final int cTopmostNode; /* The topmost node is least likely to be squeezed if the layout happens to be overconstrained, therefore most likely to be accurate. (Android will squeeze a view's size rather than clip its drawing.) */ if( forestV.peerCount > 0 ) cTopmostNode = C_TOP_PEER; else if( forestV.candidateCount > 0 ) cTopmostNode = forestV.cTopCandidate(); else break node; // none in layout final View topmostNodeV = forestV.getChildAt( cTopmostNode ); height = topmostNodeV.getHeight(); if( nodeHeight == height ) break node; if( height == 0 ) break node; // avoid obviously wrong, probably catastrophic value final int cN = forestV.getChildCount(); for( int c = cTopmostNode;; ) // find follower and ensure topmostNodeV is unsqueezed in layout { ++c; if( c == cN ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Node without follower in layout" ); final View follower = forestV.getChildAt( c ); if( follower.getHeight() == 0 ) break node; // follower squeezed to nothing, therefore topmostNodeV might also be squeezed break; // apparently unsqueezed, thus expect height to be accurate } nodeHeight = height; toActivate = true; } // Ellipsis. // - - - - - - if( forestV.ellipsis.getParent() != null ) { height = forestV.ellipsis.getHeight(); if( ellipsisHeight != height ) { ellipsisHeight = height; toActivate = true; } } // - - - if( toActivate ) activate(); } private boolean calibrate() { isActivated = false; // allow a subsequent activation if( forestV.downClimber.getHeight() < forestV.upClimber.getHeight() ) // then layout is overconstrained { // Probable BUG. Testing for deformation of downClimber assumes that content of forest view // is bottom aligned. It used to be, but now it's centre aligned. That means upClimber // will probably deform too, making it an unreliable reference to compare against. throw new IllegalStateException( "Unsupported case" ); // support deferred } boolean isWorkingCalibrationChanged = false; // till proven otherwise final View ellipsis = forestV.ellipsis; int spareHeight = forestV.getChildAt(0).getTop(); if( ellipsis.getParent() == null ) // then layout excludes ellipsis { int nodeCount = forestV.nodeCountForCalibration(); final Calibration _calibration = makeCalibration( /*actual*/nodeCount, spareHeight ); if( !_calibration.equals( calibration/*maybe null*/ )) { calibration = _calibration; isWorkingCalibrationChanged = true; } spareHeight -= ellipsisHeight; if( spareHeight < 0 ) { final int toFitted = MathX08.floorDiv( spareHeight, nodeHeight ); // node count adjustment nodeCount += toFitted; // a subtraction spareHeight -= toFitted * nodeHeight; // an addition calibrationEllipsed = makeCalibration( /*fitted*/nodeCount ); } else calibrationEllipsed = makeCalibration( /*actual*/nodeCount, spareHeight ); } else // layout includes ellipsis { final int nodeCount = forestV.nodeCountForCalibration(); final Calibration _calibrationEllipsed = makeCalibration( /*actual*/nodeCount, spareHeight ); if( !_calibrationEllipsed.equals( calibrationEllipsed/*maybe null*/ )) { calibrationEllipsed = _calibrationEllipsed; isWorkingCalibrationChanged = true; } spareHeight += ellipsisHeight; calibration = makeCalibration( /*actual*/nodeCount, spareHeight ); } return isWorkingCalibrationChanged; } Calibration calibration; // for use *without* candidate ellipsis Calibration calibrationEllipsed; // for use *with* candidate ellipsis private static final int CANDIDATE_LEND_THRESHOLD = 3; /* While a nascent calibration would give more than this number of nodes to the candidates viewer, it can instead lend nodes to the peers viewer, resulting therefore in an imbalanced calibration. */ private int ellipsisHeight; // init in constructor private int forestHeight; // init to zero, most constrained case private final ForestV forestV; private boolean isActivated; private Calibration makeCalibration( final int nodeCountFitted ) { return new Calibration( Math.max( NODE_COUNT_MIN, nodeCountFitted )); } private Calibration makeCalibration( final int nodeCountActual, final int spareHeight ) { assert spareHeight >= 0; // else this calculation may fail return makeCalibration( nodeCountActual + spareHeight/nodeHeight ); // calculating maximum node count by filling spare height without overflowing it } private final int NODE_COUNT_MIN = 4; /* minimum to alot two candidates, one on each side of ellipsis, without which ForestV layout might be complicated */ int nodeHeight = NODE_HEIGHT_DEFAULT; static final int NODE_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = Integer.MAX_VALUE << 3; // yielding (likely) a maximum constraint private static final int PEER_BORROW_THRESHOLD = 6; /* While a nascent calibration would give fewer than this number of nodes to the peers viewer, it will instead try to borrow additional nodes from the candidates viewer. Actual borrowing results therefore in an imbalanced calibration, and will occur only if PEER_BORROW_THRESHOLD exceeds CANDIDATE_LEND_THRESHOLD by two or more. */ // ================================================================================================== static @SuppressWarnings("overrides") final class Calibration // overrides equals, but not hashCode { private Calibration( final int nodeCountMaxAllowed ) { nodeCount = nodeCountMaxAllowed; int candidateCount = nodeCount / 2; int peerCount = nodeCount - candidateCount; { final int peerDeficit = PEER_BORROW_THRESHOLD - peerCount; if( peerDeficit > 0 ) // then try to borrow nodes from candidates view { final int candidateSurplus = candidateCount - CANDIDATE_LEND_THRESHOLD; if( candidateSurplus > 0 ) { final int loan = Math.min( peerDeficit, candidateSurplus ); candidateCount -= loan; peerCount += loan; } } } this.candidateCount = candidateCount; this.peerCount = peerCount; } final int candidateCount; // max allowed private final int nodeCount; // max allowed final int peerCount; // max allowed // - O b j e c t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public @Override boolean equals( final Object o ) { if( !(o instanceof Calibration) /*or if null*/ ) return false; final Calibration oC = (Calibration)o; return oC.nodeCount == nodeCount; } public @Override String toString() { return peerCount + "/" + candidateCount; } } }