Definition of terms for the waycast project : see also cast ─ verb, with object : join @ `^*waycast$` ─ noun - A waycast. ─ adjective - Associated with a waycast. extracast ─ adjective - Situated or occuring outside a waycast or waycasts. / After the definition of ‘extracellular’ in the Oxford English Dictionary. : see intracast ─ adjective - Situated or occuring within a waycast or waycasts. / After the definition of ‘intracellular’ in the Oxford English Dictionary. : see proper path - (of a waycast file) The path of the file relative to the waycast. uncast ─ adjective - Not associated with a waycast. waycaster ─ noun - The author of a waycast. waycast ─ noun - A directory enclosing waysource and ancillary components which together comprise a way declaration. : see `^*- A waycast is.*enclosing waysource and.*components.*way declaration`s @ form_of_a_waycast.brec / The wayical analogue of a nucleoid or nucleolus in a unicellular organism. : see ─ verb, with object - Form a way declaration (for a given way) using a waycast. way declaration ─ count noun - A declaration of a way. ─ mass noun - Declaration of ways. \ Copyright © 2019-2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.