-*-task-sheet-*- / file:///opt/inkscapemap/help.html / http://tovare.com/articles/createhtmlimagemapsusinginkscape/ DRAWING-map.svg - bitmap DRAWING.png was imported into the vector drawing by linkage, then aligned exactly at top left - in the case of MO-map.svg, MO-sprite is also imported and aligned at x=173, as in votorola.html - do not resize the page with Inkscape or it adds a transform that confuses InkscapeMap - the map areas are each drawn as a closed path using only straight lines - each is assigned an ID using Inkscape menu item Object|Object Properties (shift-ctrl-O) If the HTML map data needs updating: =0 if necessary, edit the image properties for imported image DRAWING.png - e.g. if the image size has changed, then you might need to clear its width and height properties in order to see the new size =1 save DRAWING-map.svg =2> java -jar /opt/inkscapemap/InkscapeMap.jar & - InkscapeMap runs =3 use File|Open -> /home/mike/work/autonomy/other/DRAWING-map.svg =4 use File|Save as HTML imagemap -> /tmp/DRAWING-map.html -5 copy from each area of DRAWING-map.html the x-y coordinates for just two diagonally opposite corners, and insert them into: = e /home/mike/work/autonomy/other/votorola.html - in the case of O-m-arrow* in MO-map.svg, which are complex polygons, copy all coordinate pairs except any redundant, closing pair